Admin Telecom Academy View mapCategories
On completion of this course, you will be able to do the following; RBS Installation, Antenna Installation, Cable Laying, Rigging & Hosting of Cables & Antennas, RBS Configuration, Base Station Optimization, Base station Colocation and AC/DC Power Systems installation. etc…
Telecommunications professionals involved in the installation and maintenance of their Company networks.
Basic understanding of Telecom
Course Outline
- Structure and Overview of GSM
- Theory of GPS and Compass
- Types of Towers, Organization and safety on site, Nature of work on sites, Identification of materials
- Introduction to connectors
- Introduction to RF cables
- Terms and Definitions of Coaxial cables and VSWR
- Power distribution on site
- Antenna Theory and Classification
- RBS Block structure
- Antenna Configuration a Health & Safety & (OMT)
- Hosting and Rigging
- Site Survey (Optimization/Co-location) and BOQ
- Test Editing
- Survey/BOQ
- Site Master sweep tests & Editing
- GPS Usage
- Compass Usage
- Connector Preparation
- Site Master (ANRITSU) Usage in performing Sweep Tests
- (VSWR, DTF etc…)
- Earthing and Scotching
- Site Survey (Optimization/Co-location) and BOQ
- Hoisting and Rigging “ RBS configuration using Operations & Maintenance Terminal (OMT) application software